Elefanta Editorial/Interstitial Press (March, 2021)
Written during the first wave of COVID-19, Brotes grows out of a fragility exposed. These poems and photographs are echoes of an intimacy that is inseparable from the collective experience during the pandemic. Alexandra writes in English and Spanish, expressing what cannot be contained in a single language. With a subtle and piercing rhythm that blends voices, numbers and images, she marks the beats of an uncertain time, between everyday encounters that confront us and an unknown grief, relentless.
Escrito durante la primera ola de COVID-19, Brotes surge desde una fragilidad desvelada. En los poemas y fotografías de Alexandra encontramos los ecos de una intimidad inseparable de la experiencia colectiva durante la pandemia. Entrelazando sus dos lenguas, inglés y español, expresa lo que no puede contener un solo idioma. Con un ritmo sutil y punzante, esta mezcla de voces, cifras e imágenes marca los golpes de un tiempo incierto, entre una cotidianeidad que nos confronta y un duelo desconocido, sin tregua.
Elefanta Editorial | in.ter.sti.tial press
Brotes, una poética del desconsuelo, retrata la enfermedad del cuerpo en los límites del lenguaje. Escrito en doble registro, dialoga con el mundo, con la infancia, con las floraciones, con la muerte. Sus preguntas son retratos. Su imaginación es pensamiento. Brotes, escritura minimalista concebida y publicada durante la peste del siglo xxi, un poderoso referente literario para futuras generaciones.
-Myriam Moscona
Primer documento poético de la más extraña de las primaveras, Brotes es el testimonio de los estragos de un torbellino que aún no termina, el registro de una nueva constelación de imágenes y de sentimientos, señales de duelo y de esperanza, que transformará nuestra idea del mundo —y de nosotros mismos— para siempre.
-Humberto Beck
Brotes, a poetics of grief, portrays the disease of the body at the limits of language. Written in double registry, it dialogues with the world, with childhood, with flowering, with death. Its questions are portraits. Its imagination is thought. Minimalistic writing, conceived and published during the plague of the 21st Century, Brotes is a powerful literary reference for future generations.
-Myriam Moscona
First poetic document of the strangest of springs, Brotes is a testimony of the havoc of a whirlwind that has not ended, the register of a new constellation of images and feelings, marks of grief and hope, that transforms our idea of the world—and ourselves—forever.
-Humberto Beck
The book offers a possibility for connection in a context marked by distance and isolation, and opens an opportunity to experience this moment collectively, sharing the intimacy and the vulnerability that Alexandra describes through her words and her looking upwards towards the sky and the trees in spring.
-Sandra Rozental